The membership period is from June 1st to June 30th.
There is always a 60-day grace period after June 30th. ADTA Membership renewal and DMTCB fees are due by August 30th each year.
Summary of Membership Benefits:
For a full description of benefits, click here.
Maintain high standards of the profession through:
- Education
- Legislative efforts
- Advocacy
- Professional collaboration
- Members-at-Large link members to the Board of Directors
- Local Chapters give access to Continuing Education workshops and professional collaborations
Members receive:
- Special conference rates and webinar rates
- Access to the ADTA quarterly newsletter
- Access to the American Journal of Dance Therapy
- Opportunities to get involved with committees
- Access to the Membership Directory
- Complimentary link from ADTA website to your DMT website or blog

If you would like to create a profile and join the mailing list click here.
Renewal Cycle is only active June-August Annually,
all lapsed Professional Members, please see DMTCB Lapsed Policy.
** Members who do not wish to submit renewal through the website may request a hard copy renewal form. You may do so by emailing [email protected]. Please make sure you indicate the renewal year at the top. Send your completed form along with payment to: ADTA Headquarters, 230 Washington Avenue Extension, Suite #101, Albany, NY 12203. **