Foundation Publications
The following books have been published by the Foundation.
Foundations of Dance/Movement Therapy: The Life and Work of Marian Chace (1993) 
Edited by S. Sandel, S. Chaiklin, and A. Lohn. (472 pages and includes pictures) This book contains all the original papers of Marian Chace, one of the first to develop, write and teach about her understanding of the use of dance in mental health. It is organized by topics and includes a biography of Chace. Eight additional articles are included written by practitioners to further develop basic concepts.
To purchase this foundation book CLICK HERE , also for both the Schmais and Lewin books.
Dance Therapy Notebook (1998) Joan L. Naess Lewin (110 pages) This book documents the clinical practice of an experienced dance therapist working in long-term, interpersonal treatment. It is a poignant and well-written reflection of her work using a developmental approach. It organizes and clarifies the process used and is appropriate for both beginning and experienced clinicians.
The Journey of a Dance Therapy Teacher: Capturing the Essence of Chace (2004) by Claire Schmais This book details the specifics of teaching some of the basic concepts of dance/movement therapy.
Movement Reflections, 2016, (119 pages) Movement Reflections is a limited edition book created by the Marian Chace Foundation to commemorate ADTA’s 50th Anniversary. It includes early photographs of dance/movement therapists, historical information, and over 50 quotes from the MCF Bookmark collection each presented with pages on which readers can write their own reflective statements. To purchase this foundation book, CLICK HERE
Dance/Movement Therapy Abstracts:
Doctoral Dissertations, Masters’ Theses and Special Projects
Volume 1 Through 1990 (300 pages)
Volume 2 1991-1996 (127 pages)
CD Volume 1 1997 – 2001
CD Volume 2 2002 – 2006
CD Volume 3 2007 – 2011 *Includes index and procedures for obtaining further information.
The following DVD was funded by the Foundation:
Metamorphosis in Movement: Mary Starks Whitehouse–A Video Retrospective Produced by Joanna Harris, this 45 minute video is a historical and archival project meant to preserve Whitehouse’s significance to dance/movement therapy. It includes Whitehouse teaching a class and interviews with Jane Manning, Cathy McFann and Neala Haze.