All R-DMT and BC-DMT must renew yearly (June/July) to comply with the ADTA Code of Ethics. During the renewal period, certificants may select the professional status category that best fits their work status (e.g. full or part time). See below for specific requirements and privileges for each status option. Use the Professional Status Update Form to notify the office of your current status.
NOTE: ‘Temporary Inactive’ status is available for any DMT needing to temporarily pause their clinical DMT work. There is a 4-year maximum for this status.> ‘Retired Status’ is ONLY for credentialled professionals who are NO LONGER working clinically as a DMT, supervising, teaching, or advising DMTs. Note: Credential Retired status is different from Membership Retired status.
Full Professional Status – R-DMT
- Candidates with this status may use the “R-DMT” designation.
- R-DMTs may practice as clinicians and receive supervision
- Candidates must change their status using the Professional Status Update Form
- Candidates must continue to adhere to the ADTA Code of Ethics.
- There is no time limitation for retaining this status.
- Yearly professional maintenance fee: $190.00 for R-DMT.
- Credential fees for Non-ADTA Members: $240.00 for R-DMT.
- Recertification requirements includes:
- Continuing Education requirements (20% of total CE hours required to be Ethics and Multicultural/DEI -J topics)
- R-DMT - 50 hours every 5-years (10 CE hrs/year: 2 CE hrs/year Ethics and Multicultural/DEI -J)
- Submission of Recertification Filing Form
- Fee payment ($25.00)
- If selected, compliance with Recertification Audit
Reduced Practice (RP) Status - R-DMT
- Candidates with this status may not work as a dance/movement therapist more than 10 direct contact paid clinical hours per week.
- R-DMTs may receive supervision
- Candidates must change their status using the Recertification Filing Form
- Candidates with this status may use the “R-DMT” designation.
- Candidates must continue to adhere to the ADTA Code of Ethics.
- There is no time limitation for retaining this status.
- Yearly professional maintenance fee: $65.00 for R-DMT.
- Credential fees for non-ADTA Members: $90.00 for R-DMT.
- Recertification requirements include:
- Continuing Education (CE) requirement (20% of total hours required to be Ethics and Multicultural
- R-DMT – 25 hours every 5-years (5 CE hrs/year: 1 CE hr/year Ethics and Multicultural/DEI -J)
- Submission of Recertification Filing Form and fee payment ($25.00).
- If selected, compliance with Recertification Audit
Temporary-Inactive Status - R-DMT
- There is a 4-year time limit to this status.
- Candidates must change their status using the Recertification Filing Form
- Candidates with this status may not practice as a dance/movement therapist, but they may receive supervision.
- Candidates with this status must use the “R-DMT Inactive” designation, rather than “R-DMT”.
- Candidates must continue to adhere to the ADTA Code of Ethics.
- Yearly professional maintenance fee: $30.00.
- Credential fees for Non-ADTA Members: $35.00 for R-DMT.
- No requirement for continuing education hours during the period of being Temporary Inactive.
- Once the Temporary-Inactive status has expired, the R-DMT must resume accruing CE hours. (Ethics and Multicultural/DEI topics encouraged)
- The amount of required CE hours will be pro-rated based on the Certificant’s prior recertification year (which is not changed to reflect the change to temporary inactive status.)
- If a Certificant does not reactivate their credential at the end of 4-years their credential will be considered lapsed. (see below for lapsed credential reinstatement requirements.)
- Requires submission of Professional Status Update Form.
Retired Status
- Candidates with this status may NOT practice clinically, teach, advise, or provide supervision.
- Requires submission of Professional Status Update Form.
- Candidates with this status must use the “R-DMT Retired” designation, rather than “R-DMT.”
- Candidates must continue to adhere to the ADTA Code of Ethics.
- No time limitation for retaining this status.
- No yearly professional maintenance fee.
- No Continuing Education (CE) requirement
For more information or questions contact the DMTCB Compliance Coordinator – [email protected].
Full Professional Status – BC-DMT
- Candidates with this status may use the “BC-DMT” designation.
- BC-DMTs may practice as clinicians, teach, advise, and provide supervision/consultation.
- Candidates must change their status using the Professional Status Update Form
- Candidates must continue to adhere to the ADTA Code of Ethics.
- There is no time limitation for retaining this status.
- Yearly professional maintenance fee: $215.00 for BC-DMT.
- Credential fees for Non-ADTA Members: $275 for BC-DMT
- Recertification requirements includes:
- Continuing Education requirements (20% of total CE hours required to be Ethics and Multicultural/DEI -J topics)
- BC-DMT - 100 hours every 5-years (20 CE hrs/year: 4 CE hrs/year must be Multicultural/DEI-J/Ethics)
- Submission of Recertification Filing Form
- Fee payment ($25.00)
- If selected, compliance with Recertification Audit
Reduced Practice (RP) Status – BC-DMT
- Candidates with this status may not work as a dance/movement therapist more than 10 direct contact paid clinical hours per week.
- BC-DMTs may teach, advise, and provide supervision
- Candidates must change their status using the Professional Status Update Form
- Candidates with this status may use the “BC-DMT” designation.
- Candidates must continue to adhere to the ADTA Code of Ethics.
- There is no time limitation for retaining this status.
- Yearly professional maintenance fee $75.00 for BC-DMT.
- Credential fees for non-ADTA Members: $105.00 for BC-DMT.
- Recertification requirements include:
- Continuing Education (CE) requirement (20% of total hours required to be Ethics and Multicultural
- BC-DMT - 50 hours every 5-years (10 CE hrs/year: 2 CE hrs/year must be Multicultural/DEI-J/Ethics)
- Submission of Recertification Filing Form and fee payment ($25.00).
- If selected, compliance with Recertification Audit
Temporary-Inactive Status
- There is a 4-year time limit to this status.
- Candidates must change their status using the Professional Status Update Form
- Candidates with this status may not practice as a dance/movement therapist, teach, advise, or provide supervision.
- Candidates with this status must use the “BC-DMT Inactive” designation, rather than “BC-DMT.”
- Candidates must continue to adhere to the ADTA Code of Ethics.
- Yearly professional maintenance fee: $35.00.
- Credential fees for Non-ADTA Members: $35.00 for BC-DMT.
- No requirement for continuing education hours during the period of being temporary inactive.
- Once the Temporary-Inactive status has expired, the BC-DMT must resume accruing CE hours. (Ethics and Multicultural/DEI topics encouraged)
- The amount of required CE hours will be pro-rated based on the Certificant’s prior recertification year (which is not changed to reflect the change to temporary inactive status.)
- If a Certificant does not reactivate their credential at the end of 4-years their credential will be considered lapsed.
- Requires submission of Professional Status Update Form.
Retired Status
- Candidates with this status may NOT practice clinically, teach, advise, or provide supervision/ consultation.
- Requires submission of Professional Status Update Form.
- Candidates with this status must use the “BC-DMT Retired” designation, rather than “BC-DMT.”
- Candidates must continue to adhere to the ADTA Code of Ethics.
- No time limitation for retaining this status.
- No yearly professional maintenance fee.
- No Continuing Education (CE) requirement