All times are set in Eastern Time Zone

Accessibility Requirements 
Closed captioning will be available for all on demand conference presentations/recordings. The ADTA will provide closed captioning and/or ASL as needed for live conference events. Please contact  before Sep 30th to make arrangements for these services.

Please Note: Conference Registration will close at 5:00 pm ET Tuesday October 13th. 


12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Opening Ceremony 
Facilitated by Stephan Reynolds,  M.A, M.F.A, R-DMT

1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Annual Business Meeting 
Join us for our annual membership meeting which provides essential updates on the state of the Association; confers annual member Awards including the Lifetime Achievement Award; and installs new members of the Board of Directors.

3:30 p.m.
On Demand Access Begins
For those who have purchased the Plenary + CE On Demand Package or the All Inclusive (Member Only) Package, on demand access begins! Enjoy perusing the 25 + pre-recorded conference workshops that will remain available for on demand viewing through January 31, 2021.

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Invitation to Action: An Embodied Reflection
(Breakout Rooms)
As ADTA members who initiated the Invitation to Action (see link below for more info), we are inspired by and supportive of the current proactive changes within our community to address structural and institutional inequities. Recognizing that change can be difficult, as a first step to many, we are offering a community space to begin exploring ongoing diversity, equity, and inclusion work of the organization. By joining this community break out room you are agreeing to engage in personal anti-oppressive embodied reflection.


11:15 a.m.– 11:45 a.m.
Pre-Conference Movement Warm-Up 

12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Marian Chace Foundation Lecture 
Trauma-Informed Dance Movement Therapy:
Real Life Trainings with Syrian Refugees, China and US COVID-19 Hotline
Speaker: Ilene Serlin, PhD., BC-DMT

Dr. Serlin has contributed much to the field of dance/movement therapy. Among her many accomplishments and honors are the 2019 Distinguished Humanitarian Contribution award from the California Psychological Association, and the 2018 Rollo May Award from the Society of Humanistic Psychology, American Psychological Association. She will be introduced by Dr. Marcia B. Leventhal, 2019 Recipient of the ADTA Lifetime Achievement Award and the 2007 Marian Chace Foundation Lecturer.
Note: This event will also be live-streamed to ADTA YouTube channel for public viewing.

1:30 p.m.– 2:00 p.m.
Speed Networking!
A fun, structured way to meet random dance/movement therapists from around the world! Broaden your professional network! Every five minutes you will be invited into a new breakout room where you get to meet 1:1 with another conference attendee.

2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Plenary Keynote
THE SHIFT: Journey Observations, Insights, and Reflections
Keynote Speaker: Carmen C. Marshall

When an organization takes up the mantle to create a race equity culture, one that is authentic and audacious, the journey towards liberation and justice for all takes on new meaning. The changes and shifts in conversations and commitments can test the culture, leaders and members alike. Carmen Marshall, ADTA’s consultant on equity and justice, shares insights and observations as she reflects on her experience with the ADTA.  Amid great civil and political unrest, organizations around the world have experienced a great shaking.  To honor this time, space and opportunity of the Plenary Keynote, Carmen will challenge us to unlock expanded, profound and underutilized ways of thinking and being.

4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Community Breakout Rooms
An opportunity to connect and process, through words or movement.

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Celebrating Our Diversity and Unity/ Shabbat Candle Lighting Ceremony

Hosted by the Spirituality and Religion affinity group

Please join us via Zoom with your own candles to light, some juice or wine, some challah or bread, and a shawl or piece of material that you can cover your shoulders with for: 

prayer for world peace, sharing the Jewish practice of Shabbat candle lighting (bringing in a day of peace). Blessing and drinking juice (sweetness). Blessing and eating Challah, (a braided bread that represents unity). And Dance/Movement, chanting, and singing on the theme of “unity, diversity, love and shalom - peace”.


11:15 a.m.– 11:45 a.m.
Pre-Conference Movement Warm-Up 

12:00 p.m. – 3: 00 p.m.
Rose Gold Reception 

Hosted by the MDC Shared Space Committee

Pre-registration is required for all participants. We ask that interested participants review the MDC mission and respect the collective ask of the MDC that this celebratory space be prioritized for MDC Members and persons who self-identify with the MDC mission. Persons who would like to attend this live event but not the ADTA conference can email for a ‘non-conference/non-MDC participant’ registration link. Conference participants please be advised that this event will be recorded by MDC leadership for historical archiving.

3:15  p.m. –  5:15 pm
International Panel 
Journey to Becoming a Dance/Movement Therapist

Panelists: Thania Acarón, Grace Ho, Eugene Joseph, Dilshad Patel, Joey Atayde, Chevon Stewart, Selena Coburn,
Dr. Miriam Roskin Berger, Chair
Patricia Capello, Associate Chair

The intention and structure of the Panel this year is different than in previous years. Rather than inviting one person to represent a particular country, it is important to us to respond to the vital and necessary on-going examination of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our field. Therefore this year's Panel is focusing on featuring DMT's from the BIPOC community (several from the US in addition to other countries) to tell their personal story of their "journey to becoming a dance/movement therapist." The goal is to acknowledge the essential need to engage in honest listening, deepen understanding, and broaden our knowledge by highlighting the voices of all those who contribute to our work around the world as dance/movement therapists. The decision of the Panel members to participate is something we value, honor, and sincerely appreciate. Their presentations will include both oral and movement expressions.

7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.  
Dance Celebration, Costume Party & Prizes! 
The best dance party of the year is still happening! Join us for a live DJ, social breakout rooms, costume contest and prizes galore, including free webinars and a FREE registration for the 2021 conference! (Must be present to win.)


11:15 a.m.– 11:45 a.m.
Pre-Conference Movement Warm-Up 

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m:
Moderated Q&A Panels with Poster Session Researchers 
The Research Poster Session is pre-recorded and available as an on-demand presentation. This moderated Q&A Panel is an opportunity to engage the researchers directly about their research methodology and findings.

1:15 p.m.  –  2:15 p.m.
Community Breakout Rooms

2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Closing Ceremony & Honoring of Newly Credentialed Dance/Movement Therapists
Facilitator: Stephan Reynolds, M.A, M.F.A, R-DMT