Asian and Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Affinity Group (AAPIDA)
The Asian and Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (AAPIDA) Affinity Group is a community for Asian and Asian Pacific Islander Desi American DMTs and DMT students within the ADTA.
To develop the following areas: Connection/networking, Emotional Support, Education/Research information/resources, and Career/Supervision in the USA and/or transition back to one's own country (International Caucus Meeting Survey).
- To facilitate communication within Asian and Asian Pacific Islander Desi American DMTs, students, as well as with the ADTA, national, and intentional DMT communities.
- To provide educational and research information relating to DMT and encourage Asian and Asian Pacific Islander Desi American DMTs and students to engage in DMT research.
- To connect and foster a supportive environment for Asian and Asian Pacific Islander Desi American DMTs.
This group is open to Asian and Asian Pacific Islander Desi American identified ADTA members under the following membership categories:
- Associate Member
- Associate Member: International
- Professional Member
- Professional Member: International
- Retired Members
- Retired Members: International
- Student Members: First Year Graduate Students
- Student Members: Graduate Students
However, the current leadership team and/or any other group member reserves the right to ask any member to leave the group if they are determined to be causing harm.
For parties who are interested to join the AAPIDA, please kindly fill in the form by clicking here. Applications are subject to approval. The current leadership team and/or any other group members reserve the right to ask any member to leave the group id they are determined to be causing harm.
AAPIDA Leadership Team
Senior Advisors: Meg Chang, Warin Tepayayone, and Akiko N. Yokokawa Co-Chairs: Candy Lo and Tomoyo Kawano [email protected] Public Relations and Social Media Editor: Vanessa Rae De Leon [email protected] Social Media Editor: Josh “Zano” Manzano [email protected]